Friday, October 28, 2011

Special speaker excites students

BY CAROL ROEHM Commercial-News The Commercial-News Thu Oct 27, 2011, 02:04 AM CDT

DANVILLE — After performing three times at two different schools Wednesday, Victor Pacini wasn’t showing any signs fatigue.

Pacini, a motivational speaker from the Chicago suburbs, had three grade levels of Meade Park Elementary School students on their feet singing, clapping and dancing to an upbeat song he wrote. And that was just the beginning of his rousing 45-minute presentation.

At one point, he even had Principal Mendy Spesard and the teachers dancing in front of the students.

“I wrote that song with my imagination,” he told the kindergarteners and first- and second-graders.

Pacini, whose visit was sponsored by the Danville Public School Foundation, performed this week at several District 118 elementary schools. Today, he will perform at Cannon Elementary School and return Tuesday to visit Edison Elementary School.

The key to Pacini’s performance is that he connects with students and staff using his original music while sharing powerful messages that inspire students.

“I try to make it a balance of music and message,” Pacini explained after his presentation. “I’m talking about what I am for.

“I bring positive messages to the schools,” he added. “If the students are working on respecting, then they’re not bullying.”

His overall mission is to reinforce core values, such as respect, responsibility, compassion and kindness.

“What does it mean to respect?” Pacini asked the captivated young audience at Meade Park.

A sea of small hands rose up, all eager to offer an answer.

“To respect other students and be respectful to grown-ups,” Kayla said.

Erin answered, “To be good to everyone in the world.”

Pacini reinforced the thoughtful answers, exclaiming, “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!”

Pacini also told the children that sometimes people can forget to be respectful and asked the children what they could say to make it better.

“Sorry,” the little voices replied in unison.

Next, Pacini asked the youngsters what it means to be responsible.

Pacini also asked the children what it means to be compassionate, and the answers included “to be patient,” “to listen” and “to be kind.”

Helen Keller and Rosa Parks served as examples of role models for the students as well.

“For most of her life, she could not see and could not hear,” Pacini said of Keller. “But she took responsibility and made a positive choice about her life.”

Parks, he said, was someone who stood up for what she believed in and made a difference.

Pacini then asked the children who their heroes were.

Sophia answered, “My mom because she’s my heart and I love her very much.”

“That’s magical! I love it!” Pacini exclaimed.

Next, Pacini selected four children from the audience to role-play a scene on a playground in which a girl who was having fun with her friends takes the time to console a sad classmate.

“That shows respect, responsibility, compassion and kindness,” Pacini said.

At the end of the presentation, Pacini asked the students to participate in the Kindness Challenge, a task they have one week to complete.

“You have one week from today to do an act of kindness,” he said, giving examples of that.

As the students filed out of the multipurpose room, Pacini high-fived each child. Some students even stopped to hug Pacini.

Jimmie Anderson, the mom of a kindergartener, watched Pacini’s presentation.

“It was really nice, and the kids had a great time and seemed to learn a lot about respect,” she said.

Spesard said she, too, loved Pacini’s presentation.

“He’s being proactive,” she said. “You can’t start too early.

“I loved it because his message goes hand-in-hand with our three-Bs: be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.”

Pacini’s message also ties in with District 118’s Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) initiative as well as Meade Park’s motto this year: Be a (HERO) Help, Encourage and Respect Others.

“Every year we have fewer and fewer discipline issues because of PBIS,” Spesard said.

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