Friday, August 26, 2011

Iowa City Daily Links: August 25 - Iowa City, IA Patch

As always, I'll start with links to stories on this site, but then I'll venture out into the world of other publications. Feel free to suggest links to stories that I might have missed and I can add them during the day.

Iowa City may be looking at a property tax shortfall due to circumstances outside of their direct control.

Our second survey of Republicans in Iowa and other early primary states finds them mostly content with the current field of Republican presidential hopefuls.

A sexual assault was reported on the UI Campus in the first weekend of school.

What will become of the discarded Cy Hawk trophy?

Meet Lydia, a friendly black cat and our adopt this pet of the week.

For fans of our 365 project, I put together a gallery of Julie Staub's second series of 34 photos.

I have a running list going of Iowa State Fair winners from Iowa City.

From Other Sites:

The new GRE exam promises to be more difficult, writes Brittany Trevick for the Daily Iowan.

This week's reported sexual assault on the UI Campus is the fourth since October 2010, writes the Daily Iowan.

Brian Ray of the Gazette has from photos from Taste of Iowa City last night.

Uptown Bill's in Iowa City is planning a big Labor Day weekend anniversary celebration.

Stephanie Wise of the Iowa City Press-Citizen has a preview of the Landlocked Film Festival coming up this weekend.

Emiy Schettler of the Press-Citizen writes about an Iowa City couple that was arrested in Washington D.C. in an act of Civil Disobedience.

Lee Hermiston of the Press-Citizen takes a closer look at Hope House rehabilitation center.

Rick Perry is drafting Iowa members of the Draft Christie organization, writes Jennifer Jacobs of the Des Moines Register.

Jason Clayworth of the Des Moines Register writes that a lawsuit filed yesterday contends that Governor Terry Branstad's use of a line item veto to enable him to shut down several Work Force Development Centers was unconstitutional.

Films include "Freestyle: The Victories of Dan Gable," a documentary on the University of Iowa wrestling legend; "White Knight," a feature-length film directed by a Los Angeles up-and-comer; and "Cadaver Christmas," a cross between "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Night of the Living Dead;" among others, Blackwood said.

"Being in Iowa City, we have the advantage that it's already a cultural mecca," Blackwood said of the festival's draw of around 4,000 visitors each year. "We (also) have the freshest and hottest young talent bringing their movies to the festival."


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