Saturday, June 25, 2011

Will you carry a concealed weapon?

"Janesville School District's administration building... The first question is whether the building might qualify as a school."

Absolutely not. Read the law. That building is not used to provide education to K-12 students.


"If not, then what's the best way of keeping firearms out"

The _only_ way is metal detectors at all entrances.

They could just post signs, but that won't stop a criminal; signs tell mass murderers where it's safe to attack (Columbine, VA Tech, NIU, Case Western, various malls & churches...)


Before anyone makes a decision about whether or not to put a target on your door, do some research.

Read about other states that have gone through this transition, & learn that it was the places that posted signs that were robbed & lost business.


Signs will only stop good people.

You don't have to be worried about us, whether carrying openly or concealed.

You do have to worry about the criminal who won't stop at the sign, and will intend to harm people.

"Chesmore has watched the video over and over of the gunman who terrorized citizens last year at a Panama City, FL school board meeting. The footage terrifies him."


Yet he's willing to put citizens & city employees in that same terrifying situation!

By making a "(legal) gun-free" zone, the only people in it with guns will be the ones trying to harm others.


In the school board incident, if that brave woman w/ the purse had had a pistol in it, she could have stopped the threat before he knew what hit him. She got close enough to hit him w/ the purse, she was close enough not to miss with a head shot.


"he believes allowing concealed guns inside taverns [is] asking for trouble"


a) It's not just bars that are affected. Now people will be able to go into a restaurant that has a license to sell alcohol & have dinner. If they're carrying concealed, they can't drink alcohol.

b) WI currently allows long guns into bars (or restaurants that serve alcohol) with no prohibition, no permission from the owner or manager.

WI currently allows handguns into the same places with permission from the owner or manager.

Show us the problems from current law, then we can talk about how to prevent problems.


YWCA: "we absolutely need signs here for the safety of our victims and our children"


Since the people who victimized your clients broke laws already, much more serious laws than the trespass which would happen if they brought a gun into the shelter, why do you think this law will stop them?


And if they have a DV charge, restraining order, or conviction, they can't possess a firearm anyway, let alone get a cc permit, so they won't be showing up at the shelter with that concealed pistol, right? [See above, about laws not stopping criminals.]


But if they did try to harm someone, whether breaking in & assaulting a client or attacking a worker in the parking lot, they could be stopped by someone with a pistol. Don't disarm the people who need protection the most - their lives are already at risk!


For all the public places listed that seem to be SO concerned for the safety of visitors, you already have metal detectors at all entrances, right?

If you only post signs, the only people disarming will be the law-abiding people you don't have to worry about anyway. Criminals will still carry concealed, illegally, just like they do now. And they'll have lots of defenseless targets, just like at the school board meeting.

1. School board meetings are gun free zones.

2. A gun stopped the crime in progress, it could have been worse.

3. Clay Duke wasn’t legally allowed to own a gun.

"ban it in all public buidings & places unless they post otherwise"

Would you agree to the same ban on wearing a religious symbol or political T-shirt? My rights are not subject to the whims of you or anyone else.

As long as I do not break the law about disorderly conduct, threatening or harming someone, etc., why should I be prohibited from going anywhere?

Why should I be punished by having my freedom of association restricted because some few people (criminals) have acted badly in the past? It wasn't me.

"Would someone wishing to do harm to a client staying at the YWCA turn around at the sight of a sign. Would anybody wishing to do harm anywhere be dissuaded by a sign?"

Exactly! Laws don't stop criminals or prevent crimes.

"Your decision's got to be based on the safety of the people in your community," Chesmore said.

And it's never been shown to be a detriment to safety in other states which allow citizens the peaceful exercise of protected rights in taxpayer-owned buildings. Texas even has an express lane past security into the Capitol for people with a carry permit. Some places have no metal detectors.

If the municipal building does not currently have metal detectors, then they are not really concerned with protecting citizens who use the building because they do not currently prevent firearms in the building.

The only people who will be armed now who wouldn't before will be the law-abiding ones; why are you worried about us???

Besides, the building may only prohibit firearms. Citizens may still carry any of the other self-defense tools listed in the law.

And the law clearly says that places which ALLOW carry are NOT liable for any problem that may result from that decision. (Implied is that places which prohibit carry are liable, since they've taken over the protection people would otherwise have provided themselves.)

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