Britain's Prince William, left, and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, arrive at a charity event for Absolute Return for Kids, ARK, in central London, Thursday, June, 9, 2011. (AP /Alastair Grant)
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, walk to meet soldiers during a ceremony as part of Armed Forces Day activities at Victoria Barracks in Windsor, England, Saturday, June 25, 2011. (AP / Akira Suemori)
The Mounties are confident they are ready to provide security for the royal newlyweds who will bring the glare of the worldwide media spotlight with them with they arrive in Canada on Thursday afternoon.
From the moment William and Kate touch down on the tarmac in Ottawa, the RCMP will be on the clock.
And they will be keeping tabs on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for every minute of their eight-day trip to Canada.
While the Queen has made 22 trips to Canada, this visit marks a changing of the guard.
Hundreds of journalists will also be watching their every move, as will the massive crowds that are expected to greet the royals during their stops in Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Alberta.
The royal couple's first trip abroad is a major story back home in Britain and veteran royal correspondent Tim Ewart predicts they will not disappoint their admirers in Canada.
"I think you are going to see some serious frenzy there not only from those of us in the media on both sides of the Atlantic, but also from members of the public in Canada," Ewart told CTV News Channel, just three days before the couple's arrival.
"These two are a star turn, I mean, make no mistake about that."
The RCMP is well aware of the intense interest in the royal newlyweds, which Sgt. Pat Flood said has been a factor in the security planning surrounding their trip.
"There will be a bit of a balancing act going on there to try to ensure their safety while giving the public the opportunity to get as up close and personal as they can get," Flood explained to in a recent telephone interview from Ottawa.
But Flood said the planning has involved veteran officers who have worked on prior royal visits and the RCMP is confident that they are well prepared for William and Kate's much-anticipated visit.
"We're pretty satisfied with the way it's going and sure that everything should go off without a hitch."
The royal couple will mostly be on the move throughout their trip in Canada.
After just two nights in Ottawa, William and Kate will be whisked along to Montreal, Quebec City and east to Charlottetown in a span of two days. Twenty-four hours later they will be in the Northwest Territories before finishing the tail end of their Canadian tour in Calgary.
Royal watchers say that William is said to be unpredictable, meaning security staff could have their hands full.
Miguel Head, the private secretary for the Duke and Duchess, told in an email that the ambitious itinerary was put together by both the Canadian government and the couple themselves.
"The Canadian Govt (sic) took direction from the couple themselves as to the kind of itinerary they wanted, which was to meet as many Canadians as possible, and to see as much of the country as possible," Head said in his email.
As the Duke and Duchess make their way from city to city, Flood said the RCMP will stickhandle the major transportation and security aspects of their visit.
"We're responsible for the motorcades and the bodyguards, the operational support and also the joint co-ordination of intelligence and investigations," said Flood.
Flood said that RCMP bodyguards will accompany the couple throughout their Canadian trip, as will an unspecified number of British police officers.
But because the British police don't have jurisdiction while they are in Canada, it is the RMCP who are solely responsible for the couple's safety and security.
Former Royal Family aide Alex Bomberg said that the royal couple would typically travel with six or eight British bodyguards, not all of whom are visible to the public.
"You may see six, you may see eight, close to the royal couple. But around them there will be lots of other people as well you won't see," Bomberg told CTV News Channel in an interview from London on Tuesday.
Seven staff members will also accompany the royal couple for every stop on their Canadian journey, including their press secretary.
Head told that the royal entourage will also include the couple's private secretary, their assistant private secretary, an adviser, a second press officer, an administrative assistant and a hairdresser for the Duchess.
We are too broke for this crap. A little girl was found cuddled up to her deceased mother recently. And people are recovering in a Tim Hortons from their surgery. This after the olympics fiasco. And we couldn't even afford to have enough police officers present during the Stanley Cup final in a city that is known for riots. There ought to be a limit on budgets - it shouldn't be any different than me trying to use my credit card over the limit. TRANSACTION DENIED!
I do not think the tax payers should be picking up the tab for this. The RCMP are a response force. Time and again they will never show up with only a threat to a person. They will only respond when something has already happened. I'm quite sure the royal family can afford a hired security force to work and comply within the laws of this land.Seeing that our county is doing so poorly that a lock-out by Canada Post could sway our country into economic hardship, I believe pm Harper should keep on being frugal and vigilent with how every tax dollar is spent.
I'd rather be sitting on the dock of the bay with a beer in my hand then to go see these so called celebrities
RoyaltyÂ’s exuberant nonsense!Â… I hope these two UK tourists will visit FREE CANADA quickly and be back to their Kingdom ASAP. They do not represent GOD on Canadian soil. We have to send all bills to their Grandmother.
Why do we have kings and queens in this epoch of human civilization? Could somebody explain it to me within 2 sentences?
My gosh the previous comments are just full of contempt...
Any idiot who thinks that a royal person should show up on Canada's soil and recieve no sort of protection from our hands should stick their head back into their nintendos or ps3's. Or up their B%$ts. If Justin Bieber got whacked in BC there would be an ocean of people wondering where the security was. Grow the hell up people. God save The Queen.Pro Patria
These comments about cost are absolutely absurd. Do you know that the Canadian Government spends more money (individually) on items including letter head, pens, photocopy paper. And for anyone that says "well I don't want my tax dollars paying for this", its such a miniscule amount of money, what my immediate and extended family paid in taxes last year covers this event - so we've picked up the tab! What a national embarassment that Canadians would complain about this.
Welcome to Canada William and Catherine! I am so glad you responded to our invitation. You will see how waste and beautiful Canada is. Have a wonderful time!
The Royal couple. What makes them royal? Their blood? Their DNA? Isn't that discrimination against the rest of Humanity? What do they have in their DNA that makes them royal? Are we not all human or do they have DNA from somewhere else?Alien blood? If so than are they not traitors to humanity? Why have royals around the world interbreed for generations? Royal and Sovereign? How much is this visit costing Canadians so they can parade around? Are we not all Sovereign? Meaning independent and self governing? Meaning supreme power? Aren't we all human with supreme power given to all of us from the Source, God or whatever other word you want to use.I declare myself Sovereign and I wish people would wake up and smell the Royals for what they are Parasites to Humanity.
Who are these people again? Aren't they like the future king and queen of Norway or something? I forget.
Less time and money spent on these people and lets start looking after Canadians that are homeless and starving.
Royal Leeches, thats all the so called Royal Family is. What do they do for Canada? Not anything at all. We should invite the King and Queen of Moraco also and give them the same treatment. I mean if we are wasting good money, why not. Oh yes that payment to the food bank is cancelled, as fine dinners are in order.
@candice, your inability to control your own finances has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. I suggest you go into your bank and ask to speak to a manager who can give you some advice. When you walk out of the bank shout out, "God save The Queen"
@ reece: Here goes, in ONE sentence... Modern humans inwardly view their own lives as trivial, unexciting, rather meaningless, and utterly insignificant, and "celebrities" afford them the opportunity to escape their self-imposed prison of pathetic ungratefulness and shameful discontent.
@ reece said Why do we have kings and queens in this epoch of human civilization, Could somebody explain it to me within 2 sentences? Because although were a soven county like Australia and New Zealand, like them we are also members of the commonwealth and commonwealth citizens and allies. Although the royal family has no real power in Canada we honour it as a tradition and as part of Canada heritage.How is that for a 2 sentence answer? And if you donÂ’t like the tradition and heritage then go live in the U.S.A.
Usually British Royal would visit Vancouver and Victoria... I guess for safety reason it's no good to visit Vancouver, and when skipping Vancouver, it's too much hassle to visit Victoria. Shame on Vancouver. Well Grey Cup is coming which means another great party there. I will be watching the Stampede Parade right downtown Calgary. No "great party" for me. Smart Royal skipping Vancouver.
@nicole...yes it is their DNA. And that of the blood that has been spilled by every soldier since 1066. Either get over it or get out. Remember this....there is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid people.
Somebody needs to unfurl a banner that more or less embarrasses the Royal visitors. This should become a new tradition when royalty arrives for a visit. If you want to protest you need to make it count and be heard or seen. A picture of Prince Williams brother in a nazi uniform, or a quote from one of prince charles' intercepted cell phone calls where he shares deep desire to become a "tampon". Things like that usually prompt guests to leave. My mother in law doesn't stay for long either.
Canada can't afford royal visit because Harper is borrowing money to burn in Afghanistan and Libya.
@REECE I won't give it to you in 2 sentences, I'll give it to you in ONE WORD. PRIDE That's what makes us different from all of the other wankers around us.
I Welcome the royal couple... to those people who have nothing but bad comments , save your breath and fingers, if you dont like it, why comment, its not going to change your life any, so dont worry about it!!! maybe you should educate yourselves a little on the past canadian history, we let refugees in our country, with no problem, at least the royal couple is just here to visit, think of the tax dollars we spend on refugees , after all canada is a free country
Hopefully the Gay Pride folks can come up with something to show the true classy stuff TO is made of.
To the people who post the ignorant comments are to why the RCMP should provide security to the royal couple, itÂ’s the same reason why they provide security for Barack Obama when he comes to Canada. Do you think the U.S. or the UK dose not provide security when PM Harper goes to their countries? The reason for security is so that some pent up angry little whack job cant get close to them to stick a knife into them. And judging by mentality of some of the posts on here I would say it safe to assume that kind of whack job dose exists out there.
All of you complaning about the cost of the security and how we shouldn't have to pay. Ask yousselvs thism who do you think pays the security bill when one of our representatives visits another country? Sure isn't Canada, this is just the way it has to be. Can you imagine if a foreign dignatary was assasinated on canadian soil the because we didn't provide security.
I hope they enjoy their stay!! I want to see what Harper and his wife got for the couple, remember the hiking gear as part of the wedding gift out of their own pockets.
Well, actually Nicole, we might be sovereign, but we are still technically part of the British commonwealth. And your arguements about blood, aren't really relavent. I'm sure theres a good wikipedia article or wherever you go to get your daily dose of information that explain the definition of "Royalty". And I fail to see how WE would pay for THEIR visit?? since we are all going to be doing our Canada Day shenanigans, (I assume you would too given your outspoken stance on "Sovereignty"), it would be a perfect time for them to visit economically.Anyway, I fully expect to get flamed for this post, but since I'll probably never read it again, feel free :)
I just love Royal pomp and circumstance. (Moreover, I enjoy saying "pomp and circumstance.") I also love UFC matches. Can't reconcile the two. Oh, well. Three cheers for celebrity worship and misguided historical pride!
Wow, didn't realize there was this much contempt out there for William & Kate. You can hear the anger in some of the responses. You're probably the same people who get angry at your neighbour getting a new car. Is it anger or jealously? Ummm.....
You're only allowing yourself to see such a small part of it. Do us all a favor and get a little better educated! Cheap shots are what we all used to do in elementary school!!
$2 Billion in security for the G20 and another $2 Billion in security for a couple of freeloaders to visit Canada. How about the royal family pony up the bucks for their own vacation? We have all sorts of social programs going down the toilet that need the money more than the royal couple need a vacation.
They are just normal people as others. we are all equal... We don't need to pay for their trip! Go Back to their land!
You people are a bunch of losers, dislike royalty much? Or is it jealousy? But then again bring your little boys & girls to watch real celebrities lady gaga & Justin Bieber. This whole world is brainwashed into a bunch of sheep/you all suck!
Really, Canadians cannot afford this type of security; yes Harper has security in other countries; but this couple are taking advantage! The Queen herself would not even pay for her yacht to be repaired, she said let the people pay; who are extremely poor. Come on, what have the Royals ever done for us, nothing, nothing at all; why not drop all this nonsense and use our money to help Canadians for once.
I am so appalled that my hard earned tax dollars are going to pay to accomodate members of the world's most dysfunctional family and 'protect' these egotistical scavengers. Please Canada for god's sake grow up and show your independance and shed yourself of the British monarchy once and for all.
@ Billy: Some of us simply find the homage, the ceremonial acknowledgement, the vassal allegiance, the monarchial madness rather amusing and indicative of the rather empty state of modern living in which free people feign gratefulness for having self-anointed rulers instead of the hard-fought democracy that transpired in spite of such royal oppression. That's all. Enjoy the visit. Thanks.
To all the whiners out there here is the first verse and chorus of "The Maple Leaf Forever" In Days of yore, From Britain's shore Wolfe the dauntless hero came And planted firm Britannia's flag On Canada's fair domain. Here may it wave, Our boast our pride, And joined in love together, The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined, The Maple Leaf Forever. The Maple Leaf Our Emblem Dear, The Maple Leaf Forever. God save our Queen and heaven bless The Maple Leaf Forever. It seems to me the whiners couldn't care less about Canada, the Maple Leaf or anyone in Authority. Says alot about the people of today, doesn't it???????
Canadians do not understand - William & Kate will be in Ottawa, Quebec, PEI, NWT and Alberta WITH 1300 journalists. The federal government couldn't afford this kind of tourism promotion if they wanted it! This is perhaps the BEST marketing we could hope for as a country given the vast and broad reaching media impact this will have. If this visit costs $20 million I bet the impact will be $200 million around the world. We couldn't ask for better - and I don't think many of us would undertake a schedule like these 2 will on our behalf. Money well spent.
As true Canadians we honour Royalty. the rest of you so called Canadians can hit the road to another Country
MMMMMM! Let me see. Since that there will be 300 to 400 thousand people in downtown Ottawa on Canada Day, who do you think is going to pay for the police, security and cleanup during and after the party? US! The taxpayer. I really don't mind all this. This is Canada, a commonwealth country. I can't believe that people complain about the security for the Royal Couple but they won't complain about what it costs to throw the best damned party in the world!!! GO CANADA......and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
To all the naysayers I have but one comment. The cost to police you lot with your riots and out-of-control behaviour will far outweigh the cost of this visit. Add the cost of the enquiries and court actions against those who try to control your totally out-of-line behaviour along with your screaming headlines about brutality and civil disobedience and individual rights and freedoms and you have the real drain on Canada's resources. These visitors bring nothing negative with them so why don't you simply pack up and live where negativity is accepted with a real response. You have nothing to add to this country.
@ Pye Some of us simply find the homage, the ceremonial acknowledgement, the vassal allegiance, the monarchial madness rather amusing and indicative of the rather empty state of modern living in which free people feign gratefulness for having self-anointed rulers instead of the hard-fought democracy that transpired in spite of such royal oppression. She signed the Commission scroll which allowed me to make sure that you slept every night without the fear of someone killing you. And you did on my watch brother. Methinks you pontificate too much.
Hey Pye Chart...try asking that same question to guys who have actually "fixed bayonets" and then I think that your attempt at verbose humour would be sadly dashed.
No one will harm the Royal family. Everyone knows that nature has auto-adjusting mechanism against its dysfunctional elements.
Go back home to the UK. You can have all the royalty you can handle 24/7/365. Canada is maturing into a secular, pluralistic republic that will one day be devoid of all references to the British royals. As soon as the number of Canadians not of British decent outnumbers Canadians of British decent, the royals are toast and none too soon. That day will be soon. Most of us have to work for a living and we're taxed at such a high rate we can barely afford to make ends meet let alone throw money away on freeloaders like the royal couple. It's nice that they want to visit Canada but they should pay their own way, not hit Canadian tax payers up for the visit. And we all know how Harpo does things like this; plenty of fake lakes, detention centers and police whomping stations to go around.
Hey Flaherty, does this traveling entourage of kooks, wanna-be journalists and money sucking humans parading as gods royal emissaries count in who you're handing money out to?!... I suppose this is a circus and not an arts or cultural event, eh? Don't worry though, I've figured out a plan to have all of Canada's arts and cultural institutions move their head offices to Muskoka....for sure they won't have any problems with grants and funding then.
WOW. No wonder students and others are up in arms over the cost of security for Prince William and KateÂ’s trip to Canada. How can we ever recover from spending just over four cents per Canadian. Without them, let PEI ; Ontario, Quebec, the North and Alberta spend their own millions advertising their tourist opportunities to a disinterested world.
Once again we get to foot the bill for another 'royal' visit. I look forward to the day when we finally sever the monarchy's ties to this country... I'm sure its inevitable but unfortunately I'll probably not see it in my lifetime. I realize that the British were part of this country's history but we need to move forward. Its all well and good that Will and Kate want to visit here but it should be on their tab and simply as tourists. No doubt that we could spend the money for their security on much better things in Canada for Canada... not freeloading tourists!
none of you mention the great publicity this will be. They are travelling with two or three hundred journalists from around the world and if our country shows well it will attract more tourists and improve our economy. You can't buy that kind of publicity
Don't let Harper have anything to do with this! Now that he has a majority every con member of parliament wil have $50 million spent in his riding whether the Royals set foot in that province or not. We'll have to sell the country and all the people in it to pay the debt!
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