Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Write to the editor

THIS is with reference to the article (July 13-19) on astronomy and the achievements by Jathin and myself. Your reporter Anasuya’s elegant phraseology impressed many.

I received many calls from my friends and people new to me. After reading the article many visited our home to have a look at the telescopes and to learn further and some went ahead and bought telescopes/ binoculars I recommended.

I take this opportunity to thank you and your crew in giving such a vast coverage and with the right message. The big blow-up of the lunar eclipse photo had its intended effect! Needless to say the first ever article on Jathin was through GulfWeekly way back in 2009. So, we are very thankful to the newspaper.

Now. I would like to break a good news story to you. Jathin received an invitation for the award ceremony for the Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year to the held at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in London, tomorrow.

We would like to attend the function but it all depends on the time the UK embassy takes to process the visa application. If Jathin bags an award this time too he will be the only person (astronomically speaking – in the universe) to get the awards thrice!

I LIVE here with my family and their safety is my priority. Before February this year I never questioned it but now I have to consider it with everything we do in Bahrain.

Reconciliation is a priority, treat everyone equally and provide the incentives and discipline to enable this to be done.

Many expats don’t get involved in anything Bahraini. I think more programmes should be introduced to allow them to become integrated into a truly multi-cultural Bahrain. That would be great.

I LOVE reading GulfWeekly’s regular features on Bahraini success stories such as ‘fragrance guru’ Nadeem Asghar Ali featured on the front page last week and artist Rasha Al Sabt whose work was highlighted inside.

I hope these people can take time out of their busy schedules and visit the schools in the kingdom to help inspire the next generation.

What’s wrong with film critic Charlie Holding? Has he been out in the sun too much this summer?

Four popcorns for a movie – I very nearly choked!


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