Saturday, February 19, 2011

'Outsourced' Recap: 'Guess Who's Coming to Delhi'

Todd gets up for work and Tonya, who has spent the night, tells him that her mother will be visiting for the next couple of days. Tonya wants Todd to meet her because he is the only "nice" guy she's ever dated. Todd then gets a message from his boss, Jerry, who says that he, too, is in India and will be at the office in an hour.

On his way to work, Todd bumps into Charlie. Charlie is worried because one of his workers just filed a complaint claiming that he is insensitive to Indian culture. Charlie tells Todd that he needs to learn about Indian culture quickly because he will be getting a conference call from HR tomorrow.

Upon arriving at the office, Todd tries to prepare his workers for Jerry's arrival and tells them to just be themselves. Todd has a trial run, in which he pretends to be Jerry and the workers practice introducing themselves to him. They do poorly, so Todd just tells them to try to be as professional as possible.

However, when Jerry arrives at the office, he is dressed in a Hawaiian shirt with a bottle of tequila in his hands, acting like a party animal. Jerry is not at all what the workers expected, so many of the introductions are awkward. Rather than firing people, Jerry divides the room in two and takes half of the workers, including Todd, Rajiv, Manmeet, Asha, and Madhura, out to drink at a local club.

Meanwhile, Charlie is trying to learn more about Indian culture. He runs into Gupta, who agrees to help him become more knowledgeable for his upcoming meeting.

At the club, Jerry drinks shot after shot with the workers. Todd gets a phone call from Tonya wondering where he is. She has previously made reservations at a nice restaurant for herself, her mother, and Todd. She and her mother have now been sitting at the table waiting for Todd for over an hour, but he needs to stay at the club to look after Jerry. Todd tells her that he will be there soon.

Gupta makes flashcards for Charlie in an attempt to teach him about Indian history. He seems to be learning, but remains rather ignorant about the culture.

Back at the club, Jerry drinks way too much and starts making a fool of himself. Finally, Todd and Rajiv get Jerry to leave the club. Todd calls Tonya and learns that he has already missed dinner. Todd apologizes and proposes that they meet for drinks. While he is talking to Tonya, Jerry sees a cow, which is a sacred animal in India, and tries to tip it over.

Todd, Rajiv, and Jerry get arrested and taken to jail. From his jail cell, Todd calls Tonya and tells her that he won't be able to make it. He proposes they do breakfast the next day instead.

Todd, Rajiv, and Jerry begin to argue and Jerry reveals that he has been acting so foolishly because his wife left him. Rajiv gives Jerry some relationship advice, making him realize that he has taken his wife for granted. Jerry leaves a voicemail for his wife, saying that he is extremely sorry and that he will work as hard as he has to to turn things around.

Meanwhile, Charlie has his conference call, in which he displays a surprisingly detailed knowledge of Indian culture. He is allowed to keep his current position in India.

Tonya bails Todd, Rajiv, and Jerry out of jail. Jerry comes into the office the next day with a cleaned-up attitude and promotes Todd to Executive Manager and Rajiv to Manager. The episode ends with Charlie humorously trying to teach Gupta about American culture.


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