The Canyon Lake Tennis ClubÂ’s next tournament will be the St. PatrickÂ’s Day Team Mixer on Saturday, March 12, at 8 a.m. Members are encouraged to wear their lucky green. The cost is $10 per person. The deadline to sign up is March 9. For more information or to sign up, contact Tournament Directors Rob and Kristy Toups at 244-9795.
The Tennis Club is preparing for its annual Palm Desert weekend tournament, which will be held May 13 to 15. Two weekend tournaments will be held, as well as a potluck dinner and family fun. For more information on the weekend tournament, contact Val Gambina at 244-8383.
The next meeting of the Canyon Lake Republican Women will be Monday, February 28, at 10 a.m., in the Magnolia Room. Items on the agenda include speakers for upcoming meetings, the Wine of the World-themed fundraiser and increasing membership for 2011.
“Wines of the World” will take place at the Lodge on Friday, March 11, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are available from club members. The ticket price includes five wine tastings and appetizers. There will be boutique items for sale, such as scarves, candles, designer purses, jewelry and bling hats and shirts. Drawings will be held for prizes from local restaurants and merchants. For more information, call Leslie Brand at 244-3966 or visit
“Hats Off to Spring” will be the theme for the monthly luncheon meeting of the Canyon Lake Women’s Connection on Wednesday, March 9, from 12 to 2 p.m. at the Lodge. Joy Feeger will present a collection of vintage hats and outfits and the role they have played in history. Guest speaker, Toni Hoffman, a registered nurse, mother, homemaker and over-achiever will share “If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me.” Cost for the all-inclusive luncheon is $14. For reservations or information, call Gerry Moncur at 678-1407 or Eileen Crowder at 674-7221. Women of all ages are welcome. All participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable items for the local food pantry.
WomenÂ’s Connection meets the second Wednesday of each month from noon to 2 p.m. at the Lodge. Women of all ages are invited to join. For reservations or more information, contact Gerry Moncur at 678-1407 or Eileen Crowder at 674-7221.
Jack Ragland will conduct an art workshop on Saturday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the City Multi-purpose Room. Attending artists may work in any medium at the seminar entitled, “Making Strong Compositions.” Cost is $60. Make checks payable to Jack Ragland, 555 8th St., Fallbrook, CA 92028. For questions and supply lists, e-mail
Elizabeth Carr will be the guest demonstrator at the March 3 meeting of the Canyon Lake Art Association. Elizabeth began painting in 2003 and enjoys doing abstract and non-objective paintings. She works with several different types of media such as watercolor, acrylic, ink, collage and gouache. She has studied with Tom Fong and Chris Van Winkle and has taken several art workshops. She served for several years on the board of the National Watercolor Society as show director.
The Art Association meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the City Multi-purpose Room. For more information, contact Christy Bruce at 244-2727 or Nate Rodholm at 805-1723 or
”Mardi Gras” will be the theme for the first dinner-dance of the year on March 4. Cocktails will be served at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7. Costumes are optional. The event is open to all. Cost is $35 for members and $40 for guests. Reservations close today.
The trip scheduled to the Palm Springs Follies on March 10 is sold out. The bus will depart the Lodge at 10 a.m. and return at 9 p.m.
Several other trips are planned. A single day-trip to the Oasis Camel Dairy is scheduled for April 7. Cost is $60 for members and $65 for guests. “Burn the Floor” at the refurbished Fox Performing Center in Riverside is scheduled for May 22. The cost is $88 for members and $93 for guests. A three-day trip to Solvang is scheduled for July 18 to 20. The cost is $298 for members and $303 for guests. A trip to Spain’s Costa del Sol and Portugal’s Riviera is scheduled for October 13 through 23. A South Africa Safari Tour is scheduled for November 2 through 17.
For more information on single-day trips, contact Travis or Valerie Montgomery at 244-5193; for multi-day trips, contact Margaret Dombay at 244-1862. For membership, contact Donna Nunes at 244-9066 or
Meetings of the Yacht Club are held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Pool View Room at the Lodge. Social hour begins at 5 p.m. and dinner is at 6, followed by the general meeting at 7. Boat ownership is not a criterion for membership. Members enjoy fun events throughout the year, including the moonlight cruise, progressive dinner, Oktoberfest, Lake cleanup and more. For more information, contact Kathy Bacon at 246-9968 or Bob Templeton at 244-1938.
Cotillion’s monthly etiquette lectures will begin on March 11. The April 1 meeting will be a normal instructional night with lots of dancing. Get ready for Mad Hatters on May 6. “Original, hand-made hats get the gold,” says facilitator Ed Strong. He also says continuity with the lecture topics and attendance is very important. For more information, contact Ed at 244-4500.
New members are welcome to join the Pinochle Club, which plays every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Towne Center Conference Room. For more information, call Hal Funk at 244-3216 or Marlys Shilling at 244-4241.
The WomanÂ’s Club welcomes new members Nancy Duplan and Charlyne Foreman.
The Club’s major fundraiser, the annual fashion show, “Under the Tuscan Sun,” will be held on April 29 at the Lodge. Activities include entertainment, a silent auction, theme basket drawings, door prizes and a $2,500 grand prize drawing. For more information, contact Marlene Marich at 244-4313 or Bonnie Miller at 246-2424. For tickets, contact Sue Collins at 244-9675.
The next regular meeting of the Woman’s Club will be on March 16, at 10 a.m. at the Lodge. The program will be a song, dance and comedy performance by the “Hot Flashes Follies.” The price of lunch is $13, to be paid by check only. For reservations, contact Sue Collins at 244-9675 or For cancellations, before March 11, contact Johnnie D’Alessandro at 244-4191 or
The Canyon Lake WomanÂ’s Club was founded in 1972 and is a non-profit, non-partisan philanthropic service organization with more than 200 members dedicated to the enrichment of Canyon Lake and helping others less fortunate. For more information, call Lana Jenkin at 244-8973.
The Canyon Lake Motorcycle Club will clean up Railroad Canyon Rd. on February 25 and is planning a food and supply donation drive for Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV). Monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. with dinner and fellowship. Rides are open to everyone.
For more information, contact President Larry Neigel at 244-7072, e-mail or visit
Five teams showed up for the cold, wet and windy Canyon Lake Bassmasters Team Open on February 19. Though participation was low, the weights were high. The team of Justin and Joel Fleck won with 22.31 lbs. Justin also caught the Big Fish “Hawg” of the day weighing 9.26 lbs. The team of Travis Smith and Chris Valenzuela placed 2nd with 19.09 lbs. The team of Frank Taylor and Matt English placed 3rd with 15.99 lbs.
The Bassmasters have meetings at PepeÂ’s Restaurant on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. and hold a tournament on the following Saturday. They also hold six team tournaments per year, which are open to all residents of Canyon Lake. The clubÂ’s schedule can be found at
The club is active in many community events and hosts the annual Kids Fishing Derby each August. Those interested in learning more about bass fishing and low-pressure competition should contact Sal Gervasi at 244-3294. The club also sponsors Junior Bassmasters. Twirlers Square Dance Club
The Twirlers Square Dance Club beginning square dance class is held every Wednesday from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the Holiday Bay Room at the Lodge. Classes are $5 each week for individuals, $10 for families and the first night is free. Classes are open to residents and non-residents. For more information, call 244-0672 or 679-6728.
A plus-level workshop is held from 6:15 to 7 p.m. and a dance-level workshop is held from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Regular club dances are held on the second Sunday of each month in the Holiday Bay Room.
Beginner line dance classes are held every Tuesday, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Lodge, except for the second Tuesday of the month when they are held in the City Multi-purpose Room. All ages are welcome. A beginning to intermediate line dance class is offered Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Holiday Bay Room. Each class is $4.
For more information, call 244-0672 or visit
The Canyon Lake Association of Women (CLAWS) is celebrating its 23rd year. All Canyon Lake women are invited to help celebrate and attend the (CLAWS) Group Bunco on the second Wednesday of the month from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Country Club Magnolia Room. A playerÂ’s card is $10. Please bring canned or packaged food for the Community Cupboard.
For more information, contact Nancy Novak at 244-1171 or Betty Conners at 244-6992.
The Car Club holds monthly meetings the first Thursday of each month at the Lodge, with the next scheduled for March 3. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the general meeting at 6:30 p.m. Learn about upcoming events, listen to guest speakers and share automotive experiences. Finger foods will be served and a 50/50 drawing will round out the evening. Anyone owning a pre-1973 vehicle is welcome.
Visit or e-mail
Canyon Lake Bible Fellowship meets the first and third Friday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Lodge. Attendees enjoy fellowship and a message by Pastor Rick Schutte, associate pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship ( There also is a “Kids Korner” with stories, singing and craft projects.
This is a good time to join the fun and fellowship of CLAMS and become a member. The cost is $25 for the year.
Activities for the year include dinners on the third Wednesday of most months and special events, including the May golf tournament, June picnic, July cocktail party, September trip to Laughlin and free steak dinner in November. For more information, contact Ken Dettling at 244-6887.
The Chair Volleyball Club meets Tuesday and Friday at 9:45 a.m. in the Holiday Bay Room. Canyon Lake seniors can get some exercise while playing this energetic game. The game is played using a beach ball and a slightly lowered net while players are seated. Membership dues are $10 per year.
For more information, contact Karen Bevans at 246-1444 or
The Bosom Buddies mission is to educate, inspire and support newly diagnosed breast cancer patients during their breast cancer journey.
If you or anyone you know is diagnosed with breast cancer have them call Janelle Basham at 515-0500 or Kimbo Slingerland at 609-4044, or go to the website
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Lodge. Social hour begins at 5; dinner and meeting begin at 6. Residents who enjoy the RV life are encouraged to join as members. For more information, call John Sullivan at 244-4626.
The Canyon Lake Jr. WomenÂ’s Club is a philanthropic organization whose efforts benefit local children and families in need. For more information, call Carol Winn at 264-4364 or e-mail
Street Carts of Canyon Lake raises money through fun events to help local families in need. For more information, contact Mike Shroyer at 244-6461.
Clubs are invited to submit information and photos to, fax them to 244-2748 or bring them to The Friday Flyer, 31558 Railroad Canyon Rd. in the Towne Center by Tuesday at noon, earlier when possible.
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