Saturday, September 10, 2011

E-Board: top priorities for Missouri legislature in special session

I'd like our elected officials look at all the obstacles that new businesses face to open either new business or expand.  I believe that we are over-regulating business and that many requiremements should be eliminated.  Let's put the "Missouri Show Me" belief to work and require our state agencies show how and why their regulations are needed.  If they can't show need, eliminate it.

SJR 15 is the State Sovereignty Bill.  It's passage will pave the way for Missourians to be protected by our State from the unconstitutional wrath, taxes, and regulations of the out of control Federal Government that hold all of us from prosperity and the individual freedom that is our birth right.

I’d like to see current legislation should focus on shrinking the size, and cost of Mo. government.  In addition, they should work on a way to encourage small business growth (remove government interdiction/restriction etc.).  And should support some sort of relief for hiring additional employees.  Businesses will thrive if they can remove some of the choking tax burden the State & Fed place on us.  If our business could go 2 months without paying any taxes (to state/federal) we could hire 2 or 3 new people. 

Taxes/License Fees/Use Fees are killing businesses today.  That plus all of the government restrictions and ridiculous rules we must follow make running a business a nightmare.

The easy answer to the question; what should be the top priority for the Missouri Legislature this special session?   Make it easier for businesses, especially small businesses to do business in Missouri.  History has shown us that capitalism works, socialism does not.  So let’s do what we can to encourage capitalism.  The question gets harder when you ask; how could the Missouri Legislature make it easier to do business? 

Answers to questions, such as this one, reminds me of the old boy who once said; “Oh yeah, if you’re so smart how comes you ain’t rich?”  Recognizing my limitations, I would suggest the following: (1) provide tax breaks for companies for an initial period of time until they become profitable and start hiring, (2) reduce entitlement expenses, i.e. become more active in detecting fraud, (3) provide incentives, whereby folks can submit, to the legislature, proposals to improve our economic conditions, and then provide monetary rewards to those folks whose proposals  are implemented, (4) provide funding for infrastructure improvements that would encourage businesses to do business in certain undeveloped areas, such as improving roads and transportation needs on the west side of the Lake of the Ozarks. 

Since suggestions, such as noted, could continue as infinitum, I will stop with the reminder that one of our Presidents offered in his Inaugural Address: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Copyright 2011 Serving Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks region including Osage Beach, Camdenton, Lake Ozark, Eldon and Sunrise Beach. Some rights reserved


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