Saturday, September 17, 2011

Terry Francona to Red Sox Nation : Don't panic, we'll figure it out

back here on the big show or -- apologize for Terry Francona brought -- you by accounts camps called act accountants. Where your temporary accounting and finance needs call 180803. 3867. And by Mikey out of your doctor doctor Robert -- call 1800 get here. -- If you go to carry out why not pick up the biggest freshest. The tastiest pizza around sells pizza -- asked this last that's a slice when you've got it down the spice. Don't how we doing today. You don't go critic. Which has a game let's put it that way right. Hold your reasonably. Expect you to solve all the problems in the baseball world in the Red Sox were so many questions for her ultimatum. Let's start with Daniel board how can a guy be so good. For so long during the course of the season where He was as dependable as anybody you could call on. Out of that bullpen and now over the last month month and half something's gone totally -- what's gone wrong here and what can you do to --

Well okay if it's not gonna be the obvious what it'll mean that it can you talk about the book the numbers over the course Obama tonight a look at our. And it there's been some expert Goldenson -- good outings also. I think what's happened news about a couple meltdown spills really -- the numbers. Too good to go to the bad side or just -- a global. I think the biggest thing that's happened is coming out of come probable rigorously they're -- spotlights out which is going to be here. Could really targeted this deepened his feeling companies struggle to you certainly want mature by culprit about a real -- on. Now he's gotten a little bit inconsistent and bizarre plot. It happens. -- just between his breaking ball was felt -- wonderful Britain. That makes his fastball cut sometimes like the fastball did yesterday warned them to come over too much of the plate He gets whacked up the middle sort of limited strike Albert coming as it. It was walking to people. You know you're general if we need to get him right back where He has. Because he's such a huge -- were built He has made our bullpen. That much better because of the situation he's committing to -- when He goes and goes global slump it's gonna glaring because we would line and so much.

And you don't have off an awful lot of time to fix this up let me ask you this way in the game yesterday got a -- he's pitching the seventh inning. Clean inning I think He gave up a walk in the Indian. Three weeks ago you would -- would never ask you this question. What did you ever think about bringing him back in the eighth and shying away from bark or would you if you were faced. With that same situation -- a game here tonight.

Goal goal posts you guys here you gotta remember you know but isn't unreasonable for. I mean in the tonight game day game. Total direct and factories -- And how -- again if -- final -- bore you guys were really recorded but it would wanna go. Obsolete Beckham interview -- We need to we need to not witnessed it reviewed try to help to better and -- them do.

When asked you to more -- questions the one you just -- mention. Kind of feeds into the city is a perfect Segway in retirement savers the night before and you know you gotta be careful about how to use them how many pitches and all that stuff in just the workload. I was looking at Bard's work -- yesterday I'm seeing if fatigue or anything else could be contributing to is from -- to fatigue thing at all.

adult I don't think -- I don't think we would ever. Hoped would let that happen were really careful and we obviously want guys like bark how to throw a lot because a really good but we tried always keep an eye on what -- gold. I think part of only throwing five pitches unless it's very useful and -- I don't go big workload good pitchers do. But now he's you know what when people talk about his use variance in in in his. Velocity I think it's more mechanical cause he's still farther when He -- right it's good when He bidding would hold on to look at maybe a little bit that the viewers in the 95.

And we've talked about this many times Tito just when you get a guy ready and you can't just get a guy up and and let him down and get back up again. You really have to have a game plan. When you say okay this guy's gonna come into the game so with that said if you see Bart for example if he's struggling in the eight inning one out to house. What's the likelihood of bringing in Papelbon forsake a four -- or five --

But it could certainly happen but it went perhaps rested. We stayed away from that a little bit more reason for the past having -- kind of assumed that role this year where He used. Promote sport got the fourth out these other quite a few times. You know we got apple up but once they scored a goal and -- Well there's no reason to bring -- them so there's all there's always a gamble when -- getting a guy ready. Earlier than normal in -- lockyer works out sometimes people locked. It just -- again when your relying on things like that. Something to go on wall and you just hoping for a break.

Not to bypass on tonight's game but tomorrow night's game culture important in that it's packet back out there to use your line you getting anywhere if you. Don't have this guy. You need disguised you have a pitch count on him tomorrow Terry or because of what is at stake here. You really need him to go deep and I came in and win back.

Well again we're probably not Google discount recorder bought time limit could get -- four hours and fifteen minutes before the -- And would you should be okay. We know what -- keep enough disease. So we we we certainly recognize these little bit out full attendees are there has been role He should be on.

So for Yankee game he'd go five innings doesn't -- say there aren't. There wouldn't be about jobs that --

Okay we're kinda not horses -- we could we give him back in name only wanna get him back and have been expected debris. Paul -- come to to a trust and pulled -- before.

I heard you talking about this yesterday after the game the conversation you have with Adrian Gonzales and instead they keep an eye on me obviously -- stick -- the game. What's the update on Gonzales today and you expect him to be available for this four game series.

I don't play -- The only people report David and -- watch them like it's hard to watch and keep god he's -- slow. I'm just not that fast but when He hit -- home run -- trouble on the basis they don't want come out and and quite frankly I didn't want to come out. But as -- in progress you've gone underneath you can pretty stiff and it would have been probably you. Negligent on my part knocked -- about. But David Ortiz he's in there today to. He's he's doesn't feel perfectly but he's good enough applied enough to DH and that's important so they want to be an -- so articulate people.

Did this thing just flare up just before the game or was it something. He was dealing with then open comfortable just before again.

You know bill we all you know you've had and we all had all -- class athletes like this arsenal to use the Don indicated that this routine before the game. And we were literally technical lineup card I heard him yell like you don't like rammed down their neglect come back just yet flexible digital. It lineup card to resolve billboards in between the time that. The lineup card out and David needle was usually don't expect its battle and -- the originally built taller.

An Oakland stole. Oscar Robertson is nick named Richard that talking to Oscar Robertson there's no way to hell aren't done right here as well it hasn't stolen. I can't He can't yeah. The government has got -- imagine any -- seconds usually you know you gotta go lot of stretching. Ask your question about this -- I know. With the lead that you had everybody. Outside of your clubhouse this but that everybody assumed the Red Sox are going to be in the playoffs. For the Red Sox and yankees that is division in this in the raise a nice story but too far behind. And as that they start to close on you. There's been a lot of commentary and some injuries too in that situation Tito. What do you do a -- are you not a big team meeting guy so you don't wanna over talk it but you also don't wanna ignore what's happening so how do you handle.

What think you just kind of set it correctly -- which had a potential we're supposed to -- focus our energy you know what helps us. Still there's a lot of different ways that's part of the -- right now how to look at it you know because. In a place like Boston you're gonna get beat over the head with but He -- their cause they're creeping up on you know don't leaking oil whatever are -- well you know what you. -- perspectives. It'll four games up. We haven't played very well they played pretty low. But -- we don't need we don't need to going to this game to -- like other chased us we need to play our game about it if -- because we come back and -- a moral element that's. You know when you start thinking about what you did yesterday that they before just wears on -- that angle perfect and we don't need that old beat up enough right now we. The world world we got to fight our way -- And and hopefully we can get too close to full strength and then you can see you're doing -- team we may not -- show that now but didn't we can't win.

How is important is -- your expecting out a couple of guys that haven't done it for a long period of time how important is it to your starters. Yet you've deeper into the game so that you're delving lesson that a ball over the weekend.

Well certainly helpful or me anytime you get the -- before you want to somebody's got a chance to get nicked up and when you do normally you lose. You know you give guys a better chance the whole board orchard where. When you're asking them to do last touched kind of just common sense salt and we've we've certainly believable literally there's no getting around a -- for a lot of different reasons and the longer they go to better present the same time. You can't just leave -- starter out there are. You've got your bullpen to stomp them to come out.

You know sometimes I watch Kevin Youkilis and if He doesn't He doesn't look like the same guy really looks like he's. He's laboring He easier guy and always back out there is the guy that can play every day down the stretch where you.

I would say probably close to it I would think you know if we play well. And we can afford to give a guy like you can rest and certainly help he's willing to play. Because you know he's also not a percent of the got pretty obvious. That will -- a good knot Saturday can be productive during this. -- Italy you can usually concealed racism always running at a workable but it ought to look at this will be problems until. But you know any time we Q and you can rest -- see -- for late in the game work normally we wouldn't do that things like that to struggle while will be.

And two part question. Based on what Michael was asking earlier about what she'd do right now with his team won. What can you do was a manager and to use sound right now very upbeat you sound. Like there's no tension no pressure facing you right now a lot of managers who -- you've done this. In the past have felt some of that pressure and maybe about a little short tempered and and it it rubs off on summit the members of the team. Are you different now in the way you deal with something like this work it's kind of closing -- trying to get to that finish want a different now that you have been in the past.

I hope not communal opened fire plan on doing some wrong numbing but the most important part of my job to be consistent and it sometimes it's arguably the perhaps. Why you'll want to put my my title to be the manager -- try to do a good job of that sort. -- reacting to everything doesn't help these players the older got a couple October -- toward. Sold just you know try to be consistent try to try to do. What it'll essentially what we believed him try to act it out and that that's about what we go --

Hey you know funny I think fans. And maybe it's the football mentality or other sports that -- Physical where players can beat the crap out of each other in the field they want a lot of emotion and screaming and whatever. And yet. I'm not sure that translate. So well. To what you need to do on a baseball diamond may be -- it changes the way. Did you sit there patiently in dealing with a with a pitcher whatever Europe the UU wanna deal. But what about the the the characters the enjoy yours and people like that in the comedy. That in a club boss there's does that help.

Yeah you what helps the good guys -- will be themselves that you could look like whether it's light or would you could comedy if it is not. Out of it it's not your ordinary and people consider right of that sort of deal with a bunch of guys from the only -- Probably the it is amazing that vacancy right that's what about these -- and kill the bill record that the best thing we can do -- be consistent problem and we try rule or to do.

The IG elect Joseph -- really -- the Ivy League I saw this what is it about a week away week from tomorrow. Money ball the movie comes -- and I know you're out there when. And when Billy being in and Michael Lewis were talking a lot you have any opinions on this movie's gonna go see it -- you've -- to pick it about it.

Why haven't thought but we also would put out probably at some point I would like you put. I -- I have been there are more likely to play me it'll.

On got -- too blatant lies saying it'll. Would be de -- or it'll -- reps for Italy.

You don't just keep going until after is that -- in to guard -- co -- but -- will be the best He got all I don't want right what's not right all appointed him. Jonah -- I want a skinny guy play in many tomorrow what are you talking about and you've got a -- is as -- as an -- it is bad casting there's no question about that but this all -- to have to get worked up to the point where it. He's -- the east threatening the producer at -- hundreds measures mandated changes name to like Peter Brady Anderson -- You.

Small little bit or dial by Novell but believe me I mean you can probably understand -- wouldn't I'd tell you that. And trying to think about the road closely alien how to order a -- not if Billy -- matrimonial money ball.

You know what I'm glad to hear that -- pay attention that is good stuff at a different have probably been becomes. The sweetness of the mall. Brad Pitt as well. Let me just also Brad they're not up to that so you'd be a little upset of Jonah Hill was playing playing you.

Well I did a good I'm sure that people could level of --

She would my time right now for Mohegan son's dinner which you know question of the week. Comes from now bulk -- from a poker from a stone a Massachusetts. Account.

I can go with the crop definitely deeply impact it would close about -- the help motivate the pain and via that you're better cricket player than Pedroia.

the second one and I'm actually a personal -- just kick in my past and bothers me to -- and police whole lot about the worst winter ever been around my life. The second part -- you know you get these things were I think for him to president want you to roll over the spread. And that you know all that does is make the floor. No we need to -- you're kind of alluding to before we can ask these guys don't. To get some adrenaline and run across the middle knock somebody on the career and -- York. Sometimes in baseball you'll have to throttled back I mean you have the ability when the -- so -- In a fastball count you know not very easy and don't get we certainly want intensity we want effort. But you can't just go a thousand miles an hour. And -- food company out there organ double off it was actually done a few times. We have to fight that.

Right this -- Kevin Millar would help right now that type of you know loosening things are sometimes it might be the best ingredients -- of being yourself.

I'm He geek I don't agree that but I don't think we are I think that our guys have a pretty good feel -- not playing well. I don't see guys -- hide out there I think they acknowledge that comes struggle didn't try to figure out how to get better. My title like that the worked for me the worst thing is when guys are taken. -- You haven't followed a -- it's realistic here this is important to -- that it should be important.

I thought it was interesting by a but they pop media the data say that's why I'm manner that I --

Then again the other thing is -- and I don't pay much attention because if He put so much media and they did a quote from somebody but it's after the game. And you know again one guy might did not panic one guy might say it's time to the relaxed you know it just -- so I think the best way to do what --

Not its interest in here you say guys who are fake and having fun. I would think guys would you have your -- tough guys but after faking having fun something's really screwed up and --

Well yeah I mean I mean trying to enact real humans to hear you ought to listen yourself to yourself sometimes. Sometimes there are some pressures if you got to fight through that special word -- his. And and good teams good players they find a way to fight through it -- that's why I'm I'm I'm thankful we have guys like Pedroia or team communal. --

You said agent Gonzales is in the lineup tonight any other lineup changes.

Pot no really we got pretty much everybody in there erratic and writing Crawford left old slow peck kept their source -- protection. -- Load up pretty much -- by disposed Buhner.

Like good news Gonzales academia and line -- and Ortiz is theirs will offer being selected -- won an overnight stay. At Mohegan Sony's now enter to win the end of the season grand prize that's an overnight stay. -- with Terry Francona the big chill at Mohegan Sun visit W -- dot com slash Mohegan submit your questions Jerry. They're articulate brought you by Mohegan Sun world class gaming dining shopping and headlining entertainment you can find a million different ways. The -- Mohegan Sun couldn't use. Some sun you could use some fun has some fun this week and good luck. What you don't.


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