Monday, October 24, 2011

65th High School Reunion: A Time to Truly Celebrate - Belleville, NJ Patch

How would it feel to see you classmates 65 years after graduation? Most of us can only hope to live to see the day. But for the Belleville High School Class of 1946, it was one joyful occasion they were truly grateful to celebrate.

The class got together Sunday at the Forest Hill Field Club in Belleville Avenue for its 65th Class Reunion. 39 classmates came with their husbands and friends from both near and far.

One of the organizing committee members, Eleanor Gavilhusky Strollo, related their journey leading up to this special day.

"We used to laugh because after our 50th, they asked, are we going to have a 55th (celebration)? Some of the committee said, come on, we're old...But then we had the 55th, and in the end they said, are going to have a 60th? Then they laughed again. Then we had the 60th. Afterwards they said are we going to have a 65th? And everybody went, oh yeah, yeah...but then here we are. And it's wonderful! We've always had wonderful turnouts."

"It's absolutely fantastic!" enthused Frank Lechleiter. "We see some old friends we haven't seen for a long, long, long time. And then everybody's here and it's just absolutely great time. Well done by the committee for pulling it together. We appreciate it very much."

Louise Ippolito Rendenna said it brings back a lot of memories.

"It's sad to see pictures of some people who've passed away, those with problems or walking with canes, but we're still here. We're still alive. And it's great to get together."

Louise was able to keep a copy of their yearbook and joyfully points to their younger versions in it.

"I look at it every now and then, I take it out...and I'm very, very careful with it. As you can see, after 65 years, I think this yearbook looks great."

Her friend Jeanne Muccigrosso Tanburr recalled,"I was looking at my copy the other day. I remember chasing everybody to have their autographs."

Class Valedictorian Elsie Aierstok Winship said the reunions give her a chance to come back and visit and see people she hasn't seen since five years ago when they had their 60th.

"It's really great to see that a lot of people have responded.

"My husband and I spent our 65 years in Belleville before moving to Florida. So we come back every time there's a special occasion."

Elsie taught Mathematics in BHS for some years and had two daughters who also graduated Valedictorians from the same school.

Most of the class have moved to different states like Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina but said they make it a point to come home for reunions every time.

Best friends Rosalie Nicastro Borselli and Rose Campora Musi, classmates since grammar school, said they only see each other during reunions, having moved to different states, but that the feeling is always there.

"You don't lose that love for a person. It never changes," said Rosalie.

The class had a full program lined up for the day, complete with a class photo shoot.


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