Friday, December 24, 2010

Editorial: Republicans and the DREAM Act

Editor’s Note - The views and opinions expressed in this article are of those of the author only.  They in no way reflect the views and opinions of or its partners and affiliates.

Phoenix, AZ - Hispanic Republicans are dismayed that the United States Senate has not shown compassion upon our Hispanic youth, as it voted down the DREAM Act.  The disappointment we feel is indescribable.  It cannot be said too strongly that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama bear the most blame for this tragic event, as they delayed getting this vital legislation to the floor.

 Now that the DREAM Act has failed, Hispanic Republicans will use their Political Action Committee to reward Hispanic-friendly Republican candidates across the nation.   That said, in order for us to truly reach out to our Latino brethren, we also have to be truthful in exposing Republican candidates who are not friendly to Hispanics.

 We call upon Congressman Luis Gutierrez to follow through with his promise to divorce the Democrat Party because we believe his doing so will send shock waves across the nation, and will bring awareness to all Hispanics to be very aware of which politicians are Hispanic-friendly when they vote in upcoming elections.

 We want to give a special thanks to the only Hispanic Senator, Bob Menendez, for his impassioned speech in support of the DREAM Act. We send our love to him from our broken hearts.  And although we have broken hearts, our spirits are strong as we have had to become politically smarter and more organized to issues that affect our community.

 We want to especially give our love and affection to the only Republican Senators who voted in support of the DREAM Act:  Senators Robert Bennet, Dick Lugar, and Lisa Murkowski.  Because of these fine Senators, we are able to tell our community that there are a few who are Christian conservatives, compassionate to our cause and to our children.  

 The Democrats who voted against our children in the super majority are Senators Max Baucus, Kay Hagan, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor and Jon Tester.  Let history record that all five Senators should permanently be listed as anti-Hispanic.  Had these 5 Senators voted in favor of the DREAM Act, this legislation would have passed.  For far too long, Democrats have pretended to be the party of the minority, yet use their votes to ignore what is important to minorities.  

 Those who did not cast their votes are shameful. The Senators who acked the spine and fortitude to vote in support of our youth are Senators Orrin Hatch, Jim Bunning, Judd Gregg, and Joe Manchin.

 We are especially disappointed in Senator McCain who voted against the DREAM Act - and we see his vote as punishment to Latinos.  The founder of Somos Republicans worked hard in support of Senator McCain during his Presidential campaign in 2008, and his campaign against JD Hayworth in 2010.  Like McCain, we were disappointed to see the majority of Hispanics vote in support of President Obama, because it was Senator McCain who championed Latino-friendly issues in 2008.  Even though we were just as disappointed as Senator McCain was in 2008, we see McCain’s vote against the DREAM Act as punishment to the Latino community for what occurred in 2008. 

 The entire Hispanic community must join forces for the sole purpose of weeding out isolationists from all sides of the political spectrum.  We must concentrate our efforts in Texas, Nevada, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, Illinois, Nebraska, Utah and other states with high Hispanic populations.

 We hope that all Senators who voted “no” and who claim to be compassionate conservative Christians will re-evaluate themselves and their core values.


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