Friday, August 26, 2011

U Miami heat singes Haith - St. Louis American: Local Sports

With the cheating and just flat-out stealing by nearly every college team in America and the NCAA, which is charged to regulate the member institutions, left helpless, it appears that Mizzou has stepped in it again. Only this time, is it their fault?

In case you have not heard, some scumbag who went to prison for a Ponzi scheme in Florida has decided to try and take down the University of Miami athletic program. Nevin Shapiro in a jail house confession has acknowledged that he gave tens of thousands of dollars to Miami players and coaches just so he could chum up with the program. In short, he wanted to be the biggest of jock sniffers.

Once things went south for him and the “U” turned their back on him, he decided hand out some payback. Shapiro gave names, dates, places and amounts. He got 20 years in prison and, if it works out his way, 20 years is how long it might take for Miami to recover if the NCAA throws the book at them.

Now that you have an idea of what is going on at Miami, let's bring in Old Mizzou.

In perhaps one of the most unpopular hires at Missouri, Mike Alden made Frank Haith the basketball coach. No one really knew Frank Haith. Frank Haith had a losing record in the ACC, and Frank Haith, well … you do the math.

I am happy to report that still no one knows Frank Haith in the part of town. No one knows if Frank Haith can really coach and Frank Haith is … still doing the math?

I bring up Haith because he was implicated by Shapiro as receiving money to get a player. Shapiro went on to say that they had a personal relationship until he met up with legal troubles. While nothing has been proven, the general feeling is that Haith is in serious trouble.

Haith is now being investigated by the NCAA for his actions at Miami, and all Missouri can do is wait for their findings. In the meantime, the program is in limbo.

When Haith was hired by Mizzou, there was no question or concern raised about his integrity or background. Either his alleged actions with Shapiro were too covert, or no one really bothered to look close considering the program was not that good in the first place.

Perhaps Mizzou is not as attractive of a job as we think. After all, no real tradition, no Final Four appearances and beating Kansas has become more of a dream than reality. Alden took the long shot in hiring a guy that he thought would be a pleasant surprise. He got a surprise, all right.

I think the Haith era is over before it starts. He has very little support and he has no real track record that tells you he is a good enough coach that you would give him the benefit of the doubt. Athletic departments survive on winning, followed by donations. If you are not winning, then the donations will be harder to come by. Money is tight, and Missouri is in no position to play games here on a serious situation that could decide its future for years to come.

Missouri is in a tough spot, and Frank Haith is in a tougher one. In the era of NCAA silliness where athletes break rules because they can, coaches are different. They are held to a higher standard.

While some things have changed in Columbia over the last few years when it comes to race, in this case race has nothing to do with the survival of Frank Haith. Only the truth does. Better yet, the truth in a timely manner, as this is about the future of two athletic departments, Miami and Mizzou. Miami has bigger problems than Missouri, but for Tiger fans this is as big as it gets.


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