Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Opening this weekend at the movies

The summer movie season ends with a bite and a spacely scare. Or it may just go out with a shrug.

The problem with 1975’s “Jaws” is that it unfortunately closed to door on making other shark flicks in the last thirty years. Outside of that film’s crummy sequels only been a few. For better or worse there’s been fare like “Great White,” “Deep Blue Sea” and “Open Water.” No studio has yet to tackle the period killer shark attack non-fiction novel “Close to Shore” or going nuts with a film version of the novel “Meg.”

What we do get is “Shark Night 3D.” It’s August, kids are going back to school, and it’s that time of year when horror flicks get dropped off. For what is looking to be the residency of 3D cinema, horror flicks are getting an added boost with this new tech (“Fright Night,” “Final Destination 5,” and the upcoming “Piranha 3DD”).

Still, after a week highlighted by an earthquake and a hurricane why not check out a movie like “Shark Night 3D” where pretty Tulane college co-eds go for a weekend of fun and end up as appetizers for old carcarius carcharodon. It looks to be a silly ride, more interactive than Shark Week on TV and you’re not in the water.

Also in theatres this week is “Apollo 18,” a film that utilizes the found-footage scenario (“Blair Witch,” “Cloverfield”) and whose premise explains why we never went back to the moon. Delayed from its initial release (several times) earlier this year, “Apollo 18” is about a launch to the moon done in secret in which parasitic life forms are found and supposedly led to the end of the Apollo Moon launch missions.

The trailer makes it look like the filmmakers worked to make the footage look old and it has a claustrophobic feel like the original “Alien” or perhaps those “Paranormal Activity” movies. Goofy, scary stuff, but after the end of the space shuttle program this almost seems like a punch to the gut of NASA devotees.

It should be noted that Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris” returned to Mayfaire 16 in the midst of Hurricane Irene. The film has been Allen’s most successful to date and done well in a summer filled with the usual blockbuster fare.

 The film directed by John Madden (“Shakespeare in Love”) was supposed to open at the end of 2010. It’s a remake of a 2007 Israeli thriller (titled “Ha-Hov”) set in the 1960’s  where a small group of men and women travel toEast Berlin to find and capture Dieter Vogel, the “Surgeon of Birkenau.” The film stars Helen Mirren, Tom Wilkinson and Sam Worthington. The group have all lost family during the Holocaust and hunt Vogel as a means to pay a debt to the fallen and to their race.

Tags apollo 18 , Carmike 16 , Mayfaire 16 , midnight in apris , shark night 3d | Category Film , Visual art

Source: http://wae.blogs.starnewsonline.com

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